Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Seattle Neighborhood Blogs

This week-end, I was looking online for family friendly activities when I noticed a community blog for the Laurelhurst neighborhood at http://thelaurelhurstblog.blogspot.com/.  It is well designed and someone is keeping it up to date.  It provided me with information on the Monster Bash at Seattle Children's hospital, local business and car break-ins on 45th street, gardening seminars, discussions on unleashed dogs in Laurelhurst park, farmer's markets, community meetings, public camera installations, and construction issues. The Laurelhurst blog is courteous enough to share links to the other neighborhood blogs in Seattle.  Some links are managed by a media company and some are created by a citizen in the area. 

The blogs listed below are managed by Next Door Media.  The company was founded in Ballard in early 2008 by journalists, Kate and Cory Bergman.  These include:
Ballard: http://www.myballard.com/
Queen Anne: http://www.queenanneview.com/
Magnolia: http://www.magnoliavoice.com/
Fremont: http://www.fremontuniverse.com/
Maple Leaf: http://www.mapleleaflife.com/
Wedgwood: http://www.wedgwoodview.com/
Wallingford: http://www.mywallingford.com/
University District: http://www.udistrictdaily.com/
Phinney Ridge: http://www.phinneywood.com/

The neighborhoods of Laurelhurst and Madison Park http://madisonparkblogger.blogspot.com/ have chosen to go with free blogs on BlogSpot.com.  The Madison Park blogger is Bryan Tagas, a corporate banker.  He provides an e-mail for recommendations and suggestions for the blog.

In my initial search, I did not see any serious, community oriented blogs.  Later, I discovered a few neighborhood blogs for Redmond, WA.  News on the Eastside might be new blogging territory.  If you are starting a local blog, it is easier to start connecting with a community organization or home owners association to get traffic to your page and immediate feedback.  If you are involved  in only a small portion of the area that you plan to eclipse with your blog; it may require some foot work to see what is happening outside your neighborhood.  In the event that this blog maybe too cumbersome, you may choose to market the blog to a media outlet like Next Door Media.  They are charging for advertising which may pay for the blog costs. 

After reviewing other community blogs, it got me seriously thinking of starting a blog in my neighborhood.  The information is valuable to those who already live in the neighborhood and those considering moving to the area.  After reviewing some blog sites, my personal recommendations are to put some color in the background, and do not place lists of past meetings or events prominently in the middle of your page.  These lists can be a valuable resource, but should be listed somewhere less conspicuous.  Thank you to all those who work on community blogs and provide a valuable resource to your neighborhoods. 


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